How Long Do Dental Crowns in Apopka Last?

How Long Can Dental Crowns in Apopka Last? Dental crowns are well-made and can be incredibly sturdy. It’s been proven that crowns should last at least five years. They can last up to 25 or 30 years if they’re properly taken care of, although that’s...

The Challenge Of Dental Hygiene in Apopka

Maintaining Good Dental Hygiene in Apopka Even While Wearing Braces Once you’ve decided to have teeth straightened with braces, you’ll find that you need to be vigilant about maintaining good dental hygiene. You’ll find expert advice through Cohil...

Oral Health in Apopka: Smoking And Vaping

The Affects Smoking and Vaping Have on Oral Health in Apopka There have been widely held, mistaken beliefs that vaping, or inhaling nicotine in an aerosol form is somehow safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. While there are some things that don’t happen...

Cosmetic Dentistry in Apopka

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Improve the Look of Your Smile People want to have confidence in their smile and to know that the face they’re showing to the world portrays a friendly, approachable image. Experts from Cohil Family Dentistry are dedicated to...
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