The Loss of Back Teeth

Many people may feel that the loss of back teeth is not that bad of a thing, because you cannot see those teeth in the mouth.  Well, the loss of a back tooth is just as bad, if not worse, than losing a front tooth. Beyond aesthetics, the back teeth have huge...

Cracked Tooth Syndrome Solutions

To prevent cracks from penetrating deep into a tooth, preventive dentistry is required. If a small crack is detected or found early enough, a bonded restoration may be able to be completed to bond tooth structure together and prevent the crack from traveling deeper or...

Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Teeth can endure extensive forces over the years. Depending on what habits, diet and pre-existing conditions a person has with their teeth, may determine how susceptible a person may become with cracked tooth syndrome. People who chew on ice, nuts or anything hard and...

Why is Fluoride Beneficial for Teeth?

Fluoride Strengthens Teeth and Helps Prevent Cavities Fluoride is known as a natural cavity fighter and an aid in strengthening human teeth. Since the 1960s, dentists have realized the benefits and cavity fighting properties of fluoride and have been using it on...

The Challenge Of Dental Hygiene in Apopka

Maintaining Good Dental Hygiene in Apopka Even While Wearing Braces Once you’ve decided to have teeth straightened with braces, you’ll find that you need to be vigilant about maintaining good dental hygiene. You’ll find expert advice through Cohil...
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