The Extraction of a Tooth

Typically, an individual requires an extraction of a tooth for two reasons: either a tooth is severely cracked, or a tooth has been significantly neglected. In either case, a tooth requires removal to prevent the spread of infection. When a tooth is extracted it may...

The Health Risks of Gum Disease

Gum Disease is Associated with Many Health Risks Professionals at Cohil Family Dentistry help keep your teeth clean and free from bacteria, plaque and germs that can lead to gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. For over 18 years, Dr. Cohil and staff have...

Oral Health in Apopka: Smoking And Vaping

The Affects Smoking and Vaping Have on Oral Health in Apopka There have been widely held, mistaken beliefs that vaping, or inhaling nicotine in an aerosol form is somehow safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. While there are some things that don’t happen...
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